[Rihanna] 一打開看我整個大傻眼, 只能說這MV實在有太多點可以寫了!
1. 開頭唸口白的英國腔女生是王子系超模艾潔妮絲‧迪恩Agyness Deyn
2. 這支MV被認為是影射Rihanna與Chris Brown過去的交往狀況, 嗯.. 看MV就知道非常激烈!
3. 這MV風格很像是獨立電影的味道, 不過骨子裡還是假獨立電影真商業MV
1. 開頭唸口白的英國腔女生是王子系超模艾潔妮絲‧迪恩Agynes
2. 這支MV被認為是影射Rihanna與Chris Brown過去的交往狀況, 嗯.. 看MV就知道非常激烈!
3. 這MV風格很像是獨立電影的味道, 不過骨子裡還是假獨立電影真商業MV
The video begins with a monologue given about love and heartbreak by an unseen narrator, fashion model Agyness Deyn: “It’s like you’re screaming but no one can hear. You almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important, that without them, you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless, like nothing can save you. And when it’s over and it’s gone, you almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back so you can have the good.”